Guild Masters Den

All Stories

Chapter: 147...

Izuku wasn’t an idiot by any stretch of the mind.Many would even consider his mind to be in the upper two percent of intellectuals who were pioneers of their fields as he was an extremel...

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Chapter: 146...

Izuku was being briefed on the safety procedures necessary for him to take a look at the recent body that had been reported several nights ago. Everything from wearing a hazmat suit to taking injec...

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Chapter: 145...

Izuku was being briefed on the safety procedures necessary for him to take a look at the recent body that had been reported several nights ago. Everything from wearing a hazmat suit to taking injec...

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Chapter: 144...

It had been a week since Izuku became drunk as a skunk and stumbled into his own home like an idiot. Since then, he had been hit with a case that has commanded all of his attention as of late.<...

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Chapter: 143...

Ten Years LaterRacing down the freeway from their recent bank heist, an amateurish yet dangerous gang of criminals were all desperately trying to get away with their bou...

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Chapter: 142...

Things around UA Academy were starting to return to normal after god knows how long. What many considered to be the end all, be all of fights began to feel more and more like a distant memory with ...

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Chapter: 141...

???Rain.Black rain as far as the eye can see.Being pelted by such a heavy downpour left Izuku rather jaded.He no longer cared for this p...

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Chapter: 140...

“Carolina Smash!”Two columns of dust erupted from where Izuku fought off the innumerable feathers trying to skewer him. He barely created enough force in his attack to repel the wave he ...

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Chapter: 129...

Arriving at the hospital, Izuku kept his hands in his jacket pockets as he stopped to look up at the building.A week had passed since Mina had come by his home to provide her own special...

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Chapter: 128...

Wandering around the side of the urban river, Inko and Eri were spending time as a family with one another as the cool spring breeze brushed over the city without a care in the world. The conscient...

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Chapter: 127...

Three weeks past the end of the fated battle against Bloodsoaked, and things for the rest of the world were returning to some sense of familiarity. Nothing was close to the previous sense of blissf...

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Chapter: 126...

Many Years AgoTucking the exhausted Izuku back into bed after their little trip to get ice cream, Haru let the boy sleep comfortably while Inko looked on from the entran...

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Chapter: 125...

“Can’t we locate him, at least?!”Mina had been trying to speak to a member of the ESD regarding the whereabouts of Izuku. They were proving to be a bit less than helpful in that matter a...

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Chapter: 124...

This wasn’t fair.He knew how horrible of a human being he had been, but even when he accepted the consequences of his actions; there was always something more to wrench his wounds open e...

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Chapter: 123...

Tanking another hit to the ribs, Hawk failed to maintain his distance yet again against Haru. He stumbled backwards and barely prevented himself from falling on his back with the elbow Keigo took t...

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Chapter: 122...

Eight Years AgoHe felt as though he was going to vomit. Again.“Get back up, Keigo. You were the one who asked for this. If you don’t get back up now, I’ll jus...

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Chapter: 121...

Faced with innumerable odds, Bloodsoaked still felt indomitable for the entire crowd of heroes.None of them could understand how this one man could still keep an army of heroes shaking i...

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Chapter: 120...

That joint attack of theirs was some of the most damage they had ever pulled off in a joint assault. How Bloodsoaked looked completely fine after being crushed against solid ice and being blown to ...

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Chapter: 119...

Pulling himself out of the rubble, Bloodsoaked looked back towards the origin of his involuntary flight and saw the damages to the city that didn’t seem necessary in the fight against him. Six dama...

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Chapter: 118...

Arriving at home after picking up Eri from primary school, Inko entered the apartment while turning on the lights to keep her adoptive daughter from tripping over herself. It truly amazed the singl...

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Chapter: 117...

Intel on the incident occurring where Bloodsoaked had been engaged lacked any concrete information regarding his current condition. All the panic coming through the comms only indicated that the he...

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Chapter: 116...

???“You motherfucker!”A solid punch, where the sixth inheritor thought the face of the blacked out figure was, sent the nameless personality crashing into the...

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Chapter: 115...

???“He’s dead! Ain’t that enough for ya?!?”The sixth inheritor asked the second inheritor what else he could possibly want out of the fact that the sinister A...

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Chapter: 114...

A cone of atmospheric friction formed all around Bloodsoaked as he fell past terminal velocity into a denser layer of air. His suit performed its job perfectly as he barely felt a thing as he start...

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Chapter: 113...

Today was the day. All that training all led up to this one day where the heroes of this nation would all come together to take down the greatest threat they all knew to be Bloodsoaked; the deadlie...

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Chapter: 112...

In order to prevent slippage as they fucked, Izuku Knelt behind Stars and Stripes as she presented herself to the younger man on all fours. Midoriya’s left hand sank into the pillowy flesh of Cathl...

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Chapter: 111...

Training for the heroes and the UA students went as well as one would expect for one of the most dangerous operations to ever be undertaken by heroes in the history of this country. The Heroes offe...

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Chapter: 110...

“... Did you remember to include the depots registered with this account?”The look on Touya’s exhausted face told Akihara everythin...

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Chapter: 109...

Himiko HouseholdStanding in front of her former home, Toga looked up at the lit up windows with a nervous energy about her. She didn’t know how to feel about being back ...

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Chapter: 108...

Class 1-A felt the days passing, bringing their day of reckoning closer and closer as they made themselves ready for the operation to finally catch Bloodsoaked once and for all. They all were given...

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Chapter: 107...

???Izuku didn’t know where the hell he was. In fact, he couldn’t even control where he was going or what he did as a strange sequence of events were playing out in front...

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Chapter: 106...

EveningLife in the academy started to return to a semblance of what it was like before. Training for the students still took priority while they awaited the authorities ...

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Chapter: 105...

The morning everyone awoke to an empty hospital room left a lot of confused students wondering where their dorm mother had wandered off to. Their answer to such a question was answered when the man...

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Chapter: 104...

The evenings at the luxury district contrasted the rest of societal norms. Daytime left the entire area almost abandoned with the few stragglers looking to shop for the most prestigious products on...

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Chapter: 103...

For the most part, things had reached a relative peace within the fortress walls of UA Academy and its inhabitants.People were still a bit on edge with their normal lives waiting for the...

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Chapter: 102...

Two Days After Midoriya’s Return to UA“Stars and Stripes has been defeated?!” Izuku couldn’t believe his ears when he heard the news that America’s number one...

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Chapter: 101...

Crowds of people were gathered at the piers that lined the easternmost section of the country in anticipation of the hero arriving in just less than an hour or so. A foreign hero from America that ...

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Chapter: 100...

“Quick, set the temperature to 42 degrees Celsius! Heat that shit!”Running away from the girls in their class were the boys with Izuku being kidnapped like a log under Kaminari’s and Kir...

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Chapter: 99...

Distant voices kept pestering Izuku out of his deep slumber. Midoriya needed time to start regaining the memories that preceded him passing out in the first place; which led to him recovering at a ...

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Chapter: 98...

ESD HeadquartersA meeting of the minds had been taking place from within the most secure location within the country for heroes to discuss private information regarding ...

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Chapter: 97...

“Raaaaaaaaahhh!”Many of the villain’s compatriots were demanding that the man just stop with the Rambo act to join in on their escape attempt.Behind a line of ESD officers pro...

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Chapter: 96...

Almost three weeks of the constant torture that was their training left the young couple desperate for some sort of reprieve.Merciless sessions day in and day out beat the two young teen...

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Chapter: 95...

Hell.This one word was the one descriptor that befit the experience of Izuku and Mina after their first training session.Sweating their weight in fluids, Mina and Midoriya wer...

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Chapter: 94...

Dinner had been mostly between the teenagers taking up residence in Haru’s home. He put out dinner on the retractable table that rose out of the concrete floor and went back into the elevator, clai...

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Chapter: 93...

Waking up, Izuku felt a different sensation to his own bedsheets. Feeling the warmth of two other bodies snuggled up to him helped to calm his frayed nerves from the past few weeks of non stop stru...

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Chapter: 92...

The city had a certain air to it after the public saw what had been lying right under their noses. Seeing the menace that lived and acted as their neighbors and family put into perspective how dang...

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Chapter: 91...

The current political climate placed heroes in an awkward position to respond to the world’s request for protection against those who intend to do the innocent harm. People were even becoming incre...

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Chapter: 90...

Seated outside of Izuku’s hospital room, Bakugou sat on the cushioned bench with a permanent scowl on his face while ignoring the requests of his other classmates that he return to his hospital roo...

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Chapter: 89...

All of this was his fault. Causality had also fallen upon those who only stood by without acting, though the instigating event had usually been nobody else but Endeavor himself. Guilt was all he co...

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Chapter: 88...

Touya couldn’t believe what was happening right now.“Wh… What?”None of this seemed to be real as Nakamura elaborated further on what he wished for them to do.“I nev...

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Chapter: 87...

The world found itself in a strange situation after the situation regarding the Paranormal Liberation Front.Many were now aware of the affairs of the world that were now involved with th...

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Chapter: 86...

Some Time EarlierMoving through the city at breakneck speed were Bakugou and Izuku. Through the high rises and streets, they navigated themselves towards the threat that...

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Chapter: 85...

In another part of the city, heroes were working with the ESD to evacuate the population from the dangerous areas.Quite a lot of work needed to be implemented for the population to be mo...

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Chapter: 84...

Some Time EarlierHeavy duty armored doors were blown off their hinges with some sort of explosion to allow Bloodsoaked into the hidden lab. Just as deafening as the blas...

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Chapter: 83...

The entire nation of Japan was in an odd state of limbo on a very particular day. At the end of the month of March was when the calm before the storm arose.A very particular hospital in ...

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Chapter: 82...

After the incident that was Humarise, the world fell into another relative peace in wake of the incident.Some wanted the accused members to be hung out for all to see, while others felt ...

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Chapter: 81...

The armor that Bakugou requested certainly had its work cut out for it as he now was dodging twice the enemy attacks from before. It kept a few stray slices from piercing his body as Katsuki flew t...

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Chapter: 80...

Now that the UA students were given enough breathing room to breathe after the affair they had to endure at the border, The case now sat in front of them at the hotel that Nakamura purchased for a ...

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Chapter: 79...

When Izuku went over the necessities that would be required for him and Rory to cross the border, things looked to be stacked in his odds. Making it across the border on foot would put him and Rory...

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Chapter: 78...

“C’mon, man! Isn’t the fact I don’t have the jewels enough for you?”Still remaining suspicious of Rory, Izuku gripped the beige coat they wore as he ushered them to the street level. Wha...

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Chapter: 77...

Undisclosed LocationDeep below the streets of an unsuspecting city, a group of doomsday worshippers convened in a grandiose hall designed to look like some sort of libra...

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Chapter: 76...

Going back to the dorms, Izuku couldn’t help how charming it was that Bakugou kept looking at the contact id of Fuyumi on his phone. He’d never seen his friend act like he did back at the Todoroki’...

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Chapter: 75...

Approaching the area where the disturbance was, Endeavor reached speeds from his flight that the air around him started to rattle the windows all around him.People in the high-rises who ...

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Chapter: 74...

“I’m back…”Returning to the Liberation army headquarters; Hawk stuck his landing as an undercover hero greeted him at the door. Slidin Front, a hero acting in the interest of the liberat...

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Chapter: 73...

“To see you two act so competently after only thirty minutes after obtaining your Provisional licenses is incredible! Are you two long time friends, by any chance?”“No. We applied what w...

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Chapter: 72...

Complete limbo surrounded Toga.Not even the sensation of gravity existed for her while floating in the void surrounding her. It wasn’t a painful or pleasant existence to be here. Here, e...

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Chapter: 71...

The entire town worked throughout the night alongside the young heroes to help them create the ideal trap to fight back against the remaining villains on the island. If things go as planned, then t...

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Chapter: 70...

All of class 1-A were working double time to see to the needs of the island residents. A local packing plant was the safe haven that currently housed the civilians forced to take shelter from the v...

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Chapter: 69...

“St. Louis Smash!”A kick that Nine was once again barely able to guard against landed dead center of the barrier that barely was able to stop the full brunt of the blow.Nine w...

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Chapter: 68...

Heroes Public Safety Commission“Right now, we have all the intended targets accounted for. The most recent one was the first civilian target the subject has taken as an ...

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Chapter: 67...

Nabu IslandOn a remote island south of Japan’s coast stood a community of country folk with little concern of the happenings of the mainland. It was a popular place for ...

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Chapter: 66...

Tomura felt so hollow. Those memories were something he never knew he had. The times that were good with someone who treated him the way he always wanted to be treated as a child. Out of all of the...

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Prelude - Tenko...

Fifteen Years AgoThe Shimura household was a harsh environment for a boy like Tenko. A family that was supposed to be functional and happy was soured due to the father’s...

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Chapter: 65...

The League of Villains were starting to hit a major block in the road towards their goals. Even after taking out a group of exclusionists that prided themselves with the elimination of mutant based...

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Chapter: 64...

It was the first encounter between class 1-A and 1-B of the final round. Both sides were aware of the stakes that have led up to the final match up. These students understood enough about the other...

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Chapter: 63...

There was an abandoned construction site that had been the agreed meetup point around the time that Hawk appeared. His contact was a representative of the one who unleashed the Nomu in the first pl...

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Chapter: 62...

Hawk was already done with this day. He didn’t want to deal with this whole mess anymore than he wanted to. It was his first day back in Japan and this was far too much work for his first day back....

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Chapter: 61...

NovemberWinter was dipping its toe into the weather and had already stripped the trees bare of all their leaves. It was a time for the festive spirit to start its slow a...

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Chapter: 60...

There was no way in hell he would allow such a half baked looking villain get in the way of the UA festival. Izuku didn’t hesitate to go for a dead sprint with enhanced speed to end the fight quick...

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Chapter: 59...

Izuku and Mirio were now at the ESD medical facility where Eri was being kept safe from those who wanted to try and come after her. They were escorted through the facility after receiving their bad...

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Chapter: 58...

With Midoriya returned to the dorms, life was a bit of a crawl at the UA dorms. It was far from being something that he was going to complain about with all the chaos that was going on all around h...

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Nothing was left of the entire yakuza underground facility. Not only did the collapse bury everything under thousands upon thousands of tons worth of rubble, the explosives that were used to detona...

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Chapter: 56...

All hell broke loose with the mortal wounding of Nighteye. Everyone was now engaged in a three way battle royale with one another as Izuku snuck away from the officers carrying Mirio out on a stret...

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Chapter: 55...

Many years ago, the yakuza faced something that was close to being their exodus. Years of criminal involvement had rendered the once proud group of free spirited criminals into power hungry politic...

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Chapter: 54...

The day after the initiation that Izuku weathered through was nothing much besides a basic patrol around the neighborhood with Mirio. Izuku also found out that Togata’s hero name was Lemillion as w...

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Chapter: 53...

Quite a few students who were still unaware of exactly how skillful Nakamura was in a fight were still speechless while Mirio got dressed after his loss against the man. His form and speed were imp...

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Chapter: 52...

Both Katsuki and Izuku were lectured by Aizawa when they returned to the dorm that night. The current narrative was that these two got into a fight, and that sort of news got the teacher agitated e...

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Chapter: 51...

Current society was still in a bit of a kerfuffle over the loss of their beloved hero. Ever since All Might had been announced as retired, there was an air of apprehension amongst the public. His p...

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Chapter: 50...

Izuku was barely able to pull himself out of the rubble with the one objective he was charged with protecting. The suitcase was still intact and sealed shut without too much damage. Behind him, the...

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Chapter: 49...

The sun had been up for about two hours already, though Mina didn’t want to get out of bed just yet since Izuku was finally able to spend the night without having to get up before the crack of dawn...

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Chapter: 48...

Four Twenty AMInside Momo's room was a couple that had wanted to spend the night together. Under the sheets, Izuku was spooning the well developed teen girl while slumbe...

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Chapter: 47...

Waking up in a foreign bed is sometimes a strange sensation for many. That first initial jolt of waking to the sensation of sheets that aren’t one's own before realizing that they are away from the...

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Chapter: 46...

Izuku and the rest of the crew managed to get through a maintenance hatch that Mineta had opened for them by climbing the exterior of the tower. His intentions were less than noble, but he eventual...

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Chapter: 45...

Several Years Ago“... I mean… It’s possible… But I don’t know if I can. The research commission and my sponsors just left me and my assistant in the dust and I don’t kno...

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Chapter: 44...

All Might had been addressing the public and giving statements to whatever news outlet came his way for the past few days. His official retirement had caused an uproar as to what the vacuum of his ...

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Chapter: 43...

There was a meeting at the main conference room of the ESD main headquarters. Attending the meeting were some of the most powerful figures in law enforcement. Both generals were there as well as a ...

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Chapter: 42...

How did things come to this? Everybody thought that All for One was the one that was responsible for all that was happening. That he was the one to stop and prevent from tasking the world over as h...

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Chapter: 41...

“This looks like the place. What now, guys?”Momo had the folder with the documents that pointed to this exact address and even had a photo of the building. Most of the other information ...

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Chapter: 40...

ESD response to the location where the UA students were in need was a few moments before the villains managed their escape. Unknown to everybody else, Nakamura was the one who held off ESD response...

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Chapter: 39...

Two of the most powerful students in their class were squared off with a villain that looked like a sadomasochist with a serious binding fetish. His arms were bound tight around his chest with the ...

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Chapter: 38...

“Really? You think you can escape me?”This psychopath was taking in the situation while lightly taunting these two boys. His confidence was not something to take lightly in a situation l...

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Chapter: 37...

Out front of the resort was Haru sitting at the steps of the entrance while smoking and in soccer sweats paired with a plain crew cut tee shirt. His shoes were normal athletic shoes while he was wa...

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Girl’s BathMomo let Izuku go to do what he needed for Ochaco while she saw to Kyoka. He could tell that Mina and Toru were both sucking at Ochaco’s breasts wh...

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Chapter: 35...

“Ehhh? Supplementary classes? How on earth would the famous class 1-A be in need of supplementary lessons? Don’t tell me that you guys got a failing mark! Such an esteemed group like you guys shoul...

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Chapter: 34...

Haru was back inside his food truck serving his plates of stir fry to the public. The memory of seeing Shigaraki so weathered and worn down hurt him deeply to see. That wasn’t the life he wanted fo...

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Chapter: 33...

The entire room was in a celebratory mood over their collective success over the Midterms as a whole. Four people were deep in the trenches of their own despair as they had failed to deliver on a v...

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Chapter: 32...

The day of the Practical Exams had finally arrived. Just the day before were the written exams that still commanded a larger proportion of their grades; now it was time to get into the real meat of...

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Chapter: 31...

After the exercise was the class changing out of their costumes and back into their uniforms from their respective locker rooms. Others in the process of changing back were mostly engaged in conver...

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Prelude- Toga...

Afternoons were starting to stretch on quite a bit as the middle of the year was approaching. Still not quite hot enough for it to be summer in full with the cool spring air still lingering just en...

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Chapter: 29...

The news on the hero killer Stain had been a bot of a hot topic of discussion for the entire country. Many people were exposed to the sentiment that there was a bit of hypocrisy for the current soc...

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Chapter: 30...

Outside of the rundown office building that Izuku was certain was some sort of preschool at some point in it’s lifespan was Izuku himself and Gran Torino. It was finally the end of the internship a...

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Chapter 28...

The train conductor was doing all he could to control the situation and help keep the passengers calm. Having a hole ripped open into the side of a train had its way to incite mass hysteria for the...

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Chapter: 27...

Two Days AgoNot all internships were as ideal as people made them out to be. Chemistry of character was a huge factor in how well adjusted the relationship was for the t...

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Chapter: 26...

Iida had been at it for about two days in Hozu with the hero he was under for his internship. The designated hero went by the alias Manual. His reputation wasn’t one of notoriety; it still didn’t s...

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Chapter: 25...

A rainy day during the summer months often would be a chore for most people who couldn’t deal with excessive humidity. Forest climate was something that restricted the climate in expelling heat tow...

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Chapter: 24...

Upon the three pedestals marked with first, second, and third were the top three scoring participants of this year’s UA Sports Festival. On the third place pedestal stood Fumikage Tokoyami. His abi...

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Chapter 23...

“Thank you, Recovery Girl. That feels a lot better.”The old woman could only sigh in pity at the boy’s rash actions after getting both of his arms blown to smithereens once again. The bo...

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Chapter: 22...

The arena was already filled up once again with spectators and hero scouts alike. It was starting to pick up again for the final event of the day. Outside the arena was Haru getting the van cleaned...

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Chapter: 21...

Ten Years AgoSunshine is something that most people would associate with a positive connotation. A sunny day for most people means that they can expect whatever they hav...

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Chapter: 20...

Behind the leaders of the obstacle race followed the rest of class 1-A and quite a few kids from classroom 1-B. All eyes were on Midoriya as he was being praised by the enamored public. Todoroki wa...

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Chapter 19...

The festival’s attendance was at an all time high after all the attention the freshman class had garnered after the incident at the UA DSA. So many of the country’s heroes were all lining up to tak...

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Chapter 18...

Dinner at the Midoriya household that night was a very warm and familial one. At the dinner table was a main course of red snapper and all sorts of side dishes. The ravenous Mina thanked Inko and c...

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Chapter 17...

So many of the gang members were ready to break the citizen into a million pieces. His mind was racing to find a solution to save the civilian in need of his help. In his injured state; Eraser Head...

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Chapter 16...

The classroom was relatively back to normal after the unfortunate incident at the DSA. Class 1-A were all patiently waiting in their seats while Iida was dutifully accomplishing his work as the cla...

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Chapter 15...

Inside the infirmary wing of UA academy was the unrecognizable frail form of All Might. Recovery sat at her desk with her security detail standing stoically as they usually did. Izuku sat next to t...

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Chapter 14...

The stench of death hung in the air. Even from where All Might was standing he could catch the aroma of blood wafting up towards the entrance. The students outside were all drained of their spirit ...

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Chapter 13...

“What’s that noise?”Kirishima dropped the unconscious villain to the ground he had in his grasp along with the others that were all in a varied state of immobilizing pain or unconsciousn...

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Chapter 12...

The appearance of these intruders made Aizawa snap at the underprepared students as well as his colleague who was now catching on to what was happening just now."Students! Get into a gro...

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Chapter 11...

Even during the early mornings of the day; villany never took a break. Luckily, the Emergency Security Department that protected the general populace of Japan’s populace never did either. One such ...

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Chapter 10...

Nobody liked paparazzi. Even those who couldn’t get enough gossip in their lives over whatever new hot celebrity or hero was in hot water. Outside the gate of the UA Academy was a plethora of repor...

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Chapter 9...

The digital roulette wheels began the next selection process and it was pairing Hagakure Toru with Mashirao Ojiro. They were placed as the villain team against Todoroki Shouto and Mezo Shouji. Befo...

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Chapter 8...

Some months ago before the entrance exams Bakugou was feeling a bit lacking. No matter how much he practiced his quirk it didn’t feel like he was making any significant progress. He was exhausted a...

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Chapter 7...

“So other than that, it’s been little to no trouble so far.”Mina was holding hands with Izuku with Kyoka next to Momo. Momo was to Izuku’s left so as to not make him feel left out of the...

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Chapter 6...

There was no doubt in many people’s minds that Bakugou Katsuki was someone capable of taking the top in terms of recognition as a hero. It wasn’t just reflected in the unique ability he inherited f...

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Chapter 5...

Nothing could have prepared Izuku for something as stressful as this. He stood in front of towering walls that were only accessible through a set of double doors that were so massive it was a wonde...

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Chapter 4...

February Twenty Sixth Six AMIt was another chilly morning as the early spring was still ankle deep in the winter season still. So much had happened in the past few month...

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Chapter 3...

It had been two days since the incident involving Izuku and Katsuki with the villain that almost got them killed. It was so early in the morning that the sun was only able to create a subtle glow o...

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Chapter 2...

An office building rooftop with a well used floor was the destination of All Might as he came to a gentle descent for himself as well as Izuku. Izuku’s bright red shoes touched the solid ground and...

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Chapter 1...

Spring was a wonderful time of the year for quite a few parts of the world. It brought in new life; whether it was with nature or more in the biblical sense. The particular day that was taking plac...

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Prelude: Toru...

It was a warm and lazy day where Haru decided to set up shop. Business wasn’t great, but for how busy he was other times he did enjoy just being left with his thoughts with nothing but his kitchen ...

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Prelude: Tsuyu...

“Sis! Sis!”A small child that had rather large eyes and a wide mouth for his age was lost in the thicket as he had accidentally wandered off from where he and her sister were playing in ...

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Prelude: Kyoka...

Serving as a vendor for a music festival had both its ups and downs. The ups? People of all sorts and walks of life were rarely gathered in one place to share their love of the art of music. He cou...

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Prelude: Mina...

It was the height of the lunch rush in front of the shopping center that Haru was parked in front of. One after another customers gravitated to his truck by the nose as the aromas of goat curry bun...

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Prelude: Momo...

It was another beautiful day for the city of Musutafu and Haru was relishing in the clean air and birds chirping to the fresh spring air. It wasn’t often he would set his van in an upscale part of ...

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Prelude: Ochaco...

A massive van that was closer to being a small bus was parked off to the side of the road in the rather compact neighborhood where both it’s driver and owner were finishing up removing the flat tha...

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Prelude: Izuku and Bakugou...

Winter was hitting it’s apex inside the city of Musutafu, and everyone was doing what they could to keep the biting cold off of them. The sun was only hinted at with just enough light coming over t...

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